2014 Updates
Jan - Book Excititoxins, By Dr. Blaylock. Where to find MSG & aspartame to avoid them
Feb - Book The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton. Our cells behave how we treat them.
Mar - Kim's healing update
Apr - Essential Oils healing therapy for the spine
May - Book The Magnesium Miracle by Dr. Carolyn Dean
Jun - Foods. Dr. Oz - clean and dirty foods.
July - Kim on negative ALS clinics, negative neurologists
Aug - Regression possible if you don't stick to the program
Sep - Back massage with 9 essential oils
Oct - Book Curing the Incurable, by Dr. Thomas Levy, importance of Vit C
Nov - Power of positive mental attitude
Dec - Use of Magnesium Oil and Coconut on feet
January 2014
Book Excititoxins, By Dr. Blaylock. Where to find MSG & aspartame to avoid them
I ordered a new book called "Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills" by Dr. Russell Blaylock, a neurosurgeon. I had heard of the book several years ago and have been trying to avoid the excitotoxins since then, but the book is powerful and I recommend anyone with a neurological issue to get and read it. (Actually we all need to read it so we can figure out how not to let the FDA kill us with the foods and additive that they approve for our consumption. 80,000 chemicals now approved for our food supply.) He relates the history of MSG and shows why it is so dangerous. He also covers aspartame and its history and why it is also dangerous. Those of us that are 60 years plus probably did not start out our life with either of those toxins in our diet, but it is so prevalent now that I fear for our children and grandchildren. The FDA has allowed it in baby food and children's food and allows food manufactures to market it to children. MSG is a flavor enhancer. Aspartame is a sweetener.
Dr. Blaylock points out in his book that those with ALS or other neurological issues have brains with brain barriers that are not functioning properly. The brain barriers have become compromised and are allowing into the brain these MSG or aspartame toxins. Both toxins are so prevalent in our food supply that none of us are immune to its destructive forces. Reading labels for MSG or aspartame does not reveal all they names the industry has attached to them as they try to hide them from us. So I am going to list some of them here for you:
Additives which always contain MSG (which stands for monosodium glutamate):
Hydrolized Vegetable Protein
Hydrolized Protein
Hydrolized Plant Protein
Plant Protein Extract
Sodium Caseinate
Yeast Extract
Texterized Protein
Autolyzed Yeast
Hydrolized Oat Flour
Additives that frequently contain MSG:
Malt extract
Malt flavoring
Natural Flavoring
Natural Beef or Chicken Flavoring
Additives that may contain MSG or Excitotoxins:
Carrageenan (I can't find a college cheese without this one)
Soy Protein Concentrate
Soy Protein Isolate
Whey Protein Concentrate ( If you feel you need a whey protein, I would consider ordering it from Dr. Joseph Mercola at www.mercola.com. Dr. Mercola’s is very aware of anything toxic and only uses and sells only healthful products.
Apartame is also called Nutrisweet. It has many other names but I don't have them at my fingertips right now. But I'll bet that they can be found on Dr. Mercola's site. Aspartame is what they use in diet sodas for a sweetener. It is highly toxic to the brain. I had a doctor tell me to take Metamucil for the rest of my life to keep a clean colon. Guess what! One of its ingredients is - Aspartame! Actually supplemental magnesium will do the same thing. Probably the majority of Americans are deficient in magnesium. Dr. Blaylock talks about the need for magnesium in neurological illnesses.
Now to why we should watch this video that I have attached below. Our children and grandchildren are at far greater risk than we are because many of them have been exposed to these toxins even before birth. Our pregnant daughter-in-law's favorite salad dressing is Ranch. It is very difficult to find a ranch dressing without MSG. So even before he is born, I fear for neurological damage to our unborn grandson.
Both MSG and aspartame create cravings for the foods that contain them. And they are in every processed food imaginable. Don't believe that just going to a health food store protects you from anything bad. You have to read every label.
February 2014
Book - The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton. Our cells behave how we treat them
Last month I read a book that had quite an impact. The book I read is by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. and is titled “The Biology of Belief”. Bruce is a cell biologist. He was trained to understand all the workings of cells. He taught cell biology in medical school to medical students. He was taught under the Newton theory that a cell was just something inert, that it had no mind of its own. Then he did some research and a professor told him once that “It’s the environment, stupid.” He learned that if you give a cell toxic materials, the cell will begin to die. But if you feed it nutritiously, it will repair and heal. To me that said, “if you feed your body real food, it can thrive. If you feed your body junk food, it will die.” What is the nutritional environment that you provide to your body?
Now Bruce admits in the book that he was very much an atheist. He also tells how very unhappy he was even though he was working in the field that fascinated him even as a child. But the more he studied cells, the more he came to realize that each cell had a mind. In essence, that without a mind or without a soul, the cell cannot function. It brought Bruce to a belief in a spiritual realm that he had never experienced before. He talks about how our subconscious mind is programed a certain way from experiences as we grew up, and that it controls our belief system. As we correct the misconceptions in our subconscious mind, we can live happier, healthier lives. He talks about and explains quantum physics and how that relates to our spirits. So perhaps there is even more value in the book “The Healing Code” than I first thought. It uses quantum physics to help us heal the issues in our lives that are creating health problems.
So you have to believe you can get well or improve in order for your body to get the message that that is what it’s supposed to do. He now has several Youtube videos teaching you how to use the power of your mind.
March 2014
Kim's healing update
Dear Fellow PALS, Care Givers, Family, and Friends;
We have now been in South Texas for three months, and will be here for another three weeks.
My progress continues. I am now able to swim for a continuous 50 laps in our resort lap pool, which equates to just about 3/4 mile. I would like to do it three times a week and to continue increasing the distances, but I get a bit lazy, and there is much else to do.
We are seeing some exciting things happening, as we continue to learn of others reaching for alternative treatments.
Our special thanks go out to Patricia Tamowski and the people working with her group, www.healthadw.com. They are working to put together a documentary, as well as a book, that will feature the protocols of 12 ALS survivors. They have asked me to write a chapter for their book, of which I am honored to do, and am presently completing the second draft. I might add that except for me, now going on 2½ years since my diagnosis, all others have survived for 10 years or more.
One of the most exciting things about my progress is that my symptoms were primary upper neuron issues, also referred to as Bulbar Palsy. It is the most aggressive ALS prognosis, and I am pleased to continue not only to hold my own, but to reverse and heal. My walking is still a bit unsteady, but it gives me an excuse to hold my sweethearts hand as we stroll down the street, even if it is half pace. People can think that we are just going slow so we can spend more time together. Heaven knows, they may even think we are newlyweds.
I am especially excited about a chapter I just read in Doctor Richard Horowitz's book, Why I Can't Get Better. Get it on your iPad for about $12, and read Chapter 12. Dr. Horowitz is an MD, and is actually treating PALS with some significant success. He is a Lyme disease specialist and often those with ALS also have Lyme’s disease. Make sure your doctors, if you still use them, see and read his protocol and suggestions.
I continue to applaud all of you that are fighting your disease. A positive mental attitude is crucial. It might even be more than a positive attitude. You really have to believe you can get well. When you instruct your mind that it is going to get well instead of dying, your mind that controls your body begins to tell your body to get well. Give your body the best tools possible. Know that there are a lot of things you can do to get well. If you can somehow incorporate our protocol into your program, by all means do it. But if some of it does not work for you, find something that does.
God Speed To You All!
April 2014 - Kay’s notes
Essential Oils healing therapy for the spine
Last month we added two more PALS to our “others” list, Steven and Butch. Both contribute a wealth of information on what they have done to heal. Be sure to read Steven’s web site and Butch’s links. Incredibly valuable stuff.
One thing we have not mentioned in the past is our treatment with essential oils. Although I don’t know that they would heal ALS all by themselves, they provide some very valuable tools for managing symptoms.
In those terrible months right after the diagnosis when Kim was having a difficult time breathing, even more so when he laid down at night, I had a friend teach me about essential oils and reflexology. The premise is that nerve endings for most organs in our body end in our feet. There are certain spots on our feet for most every organ in our body. Because essential oils extracted from plants have such small molecular structure, they are able to be absorbed into our skin and then follow the nerve path to the affected organ and provide oxygen and healing. I was shown where on Kim’s feet to affect the spine and where to affect the lungs. Every night for the next 6 to 7 months, I rubbed oils of Frankincense, Cypress, Sandlewood, and Balance blend on the spine portion of his feet and the Breathe oil blend on his lung portion. (These are supposedly oils that can cross the blood brain barrier and provide improvement to ALS, Parkinsons, etc.)
I would start with the Sandlewood oil and pound it in the palm of my hand until I had a drop or two. Sandlewood is very thick and so it takes some pounding to get a little out. I would then add the other three oils and maybe with a little carrier oil like olive oil. I would rub that along the arch of both feet and massage that oil in for 15 to 20 passes from the heal of the foot to the knuckle of the big toe. I would also massage a little Breathe oil onto the lung spot on the foot. That helps open the airways so breathing is easier.
The oils I used were from www.doterra.com. There are many essential oil companies on the market. It is important to use therapeutic grade oils not cosmetic grade as they are much more powerful. This is the oils I was trained to use and I don’t know how to compare the oils to other companies oils.
His improvement was not dramatic at that time, but he was able to lay down and sleep after a relatively short period of time. From mid-January to mid-March, he made considerable improvement in his ability to breathe. I believe the oils made an impact. They would not be the only therapy one would use, but I believe they have some value. Even today, he seems to sleep better after a foot treatment with the oils. And in the last 30 days or so, Kim is asking for a foot rub or the back rub as explained below. It helps him sleep better after a game of golf.
The book Modern Essentials expounds on the theory that “The blood-brain barrier is the barrier membrane between the circulating blood and the brain that prevents certain damaging substances from reaching brain tissue and cerebrospinal fluid. It states that the American Medical Association (AMA) determined that if they could find an agent that would pass the blood-brain barrier, they would be able to cure Alzheimer’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease. It also states that chemical constituents known as sesquiterpenes – commonly found in essential oils such as frankincense and sandalwood – are known to be able to go beyond the blood-brain barrier. Thus, high levels of these sesquiterpenes help increase the amount of oxygen in the limbic system of the brain, particularly around the pineal and pituitary glands, and thus lead to an increase in secretion of antibodies, endorphins and neurotransmitters.”
The book is impressive, but since it is written by the company that makes money selling the oils in a network marketing system, Kim was extremely skeptical, and to some extent, still is, however he has learned to ask for oils, especially the Breathe because he knows it helps him.
(Just a current note: Kim was having some difficulty getting as much oxygen as he wanted when he slept at night here in South Texas in mid-February of 2014. So I bought a diffuser and started defusing the Breathe oil into the air before bedtime. I also rubbed his feet again with the oils. After about a week, the issue seemed to resolve.)
We began applying other essential oils to Kim’s feet daily. His toes curl so badly, that his toenails will scratch on the floor if not trimmed. He almost has what would be called a club foot, partly from the ALS, but also from the issue he has had with his extreme high arches. I rub coconut oil, marjoram oil and lemongrass oil on the tendons that go to the toes. After about three months, I believe we are seeing more flexibility in his toes and movement in the joint of the right big toe that was completely locked.
If you want to know more about a series of oils called Symphony of Oils that helps the nerves, you can email me.
I can’t help but brag. Kim swam a mile in the lap pool at the resort here on April 9th - a new record since the ALS diagnosis. Pretty good for someone who could not even get in a body of water two years ago without feeling like his chest was being crushed. He complains that it took him 45 minutes, plus, but still, it was steady and continuous.
You may go to the August 2014 entry for information on the back oils called the Symphony of Oils if you are interested in that therapy.
May 2014 – Notes from Kay
Book - The Magnesium Miracle by Dr. Carolyn Dean
I had just received the book, The Magnesium Miracle, by Dr. Carolyn Dean. I want to share more of what she presented in her book.
There are many conditions associated with magnesium deficiency.
Acid reflux
Adrenal fatigue
Anxiety and panic attacks
Blood clots
Bowel disease
Brain dysfunction
Cholesterol elevation
Heart disease
Irritable bowel syndrome
Kidney disease
Kidney stones
Migraine headaches
Musculoskeletal conditions – muscle cramps, fibrositis, fibromyalgia, GI spasms, tension headaches, muscle spasms, chronic neck and back pain.
Nerve problems – burning, muscle weakness, numbness, paralysis and sensitivity, pins-and-needles sensations, seizures and convulsions, twitching, vertigo and confusion.
Obstetrical and gynecological problems
Cerebral palsy
Sudden infant death syndrome
Parkinson’s disease
Raynaud’s syndrome
Sports injuries
Sports recovery
Tooth decay
The list does not include ALS, but I think that everyone with ALS has a serious magnesium deficiency.
As I go through the list, there are many things that point a finger right at me. And when you consider the issues of ALS, you can see right where magnesium deficiency fits in.
Only about 1% of our magnesium in found in our blood, so a standard blood test is not a good test of determining if we have enough magnesium. Dr. Dean tells in her book how to get the proper kind of magnesium test. There are many types of magnesium and Dr. Dean explains the differences. The book is very good at helping you understand the vast importance of magnesium. Magnesium is needed 24/7 to do its hundreds of jobs. Calcium is stored in the body, magnesium is not. Magnesium is control of opening the channels for calcium. Magnesium and calcium should be equal or calcium problems occur.
My concern right now also includes each of the care givers. Magnesium will be used up very rapidly when the care giver is under stress to help their loved one. Magnesium is used up very quickly also when the PALS is under stress trying to deal with ALS. So magnesium is critical for both the PALS and the care giver. We hope you can learn all you can about magnesium, how it works to make everything in the body working better and how much of which kind is needed to be healthy.
Both Kim and I have been taking magnesium for some time, even before the diagnosis. But we have recently increased the dosages, and feel it could be a significant part of the reason Kim continues to improve, even now. The failure of traditional neurologists and other practitioners to emphasize the importance of magnesium, as well as many other supplemental therapies, should be an embarrassment to their profession. We are continuing to find those doctors, like Doctor Dean, that think outside the box. We sincerely believe this is where the cure for ALS will be found. Maybe cure is not the right word. If you heal the things in the body that are damaged, the body could heal.
I have put a magnesium rub recipe under the Misc tab so you can get magnesium through your skin. Dr. Carolyn Dean and Jigsaw health both make a magnesium lotion. Another method of getting magnesium is to soak in a tub with Epson salts.
June 2014
Foods. Dr. Oz - clean and dirty foods.
In the paper this week in the Dr. Oz column, he talks ‘All about the ‘Clean 15’. Here is what his article says:
When the Wicked Queen offered Snow white a poisoned apple, she had no idea it was the fruit most frequently contaminated by pesticide. That’s what the Environmental Working Group’s 2014 examination of pesticide in fruits and veggies revealed: 99 percent of apples had residue from at least one pesticide. And some other fruits (less frequently) registered residue from 13 or more.
Pesticides from produce plus garden and household products are linked to cancers, decreased cognitive function, ADHD and behavioral problems in children. But you can reduce exposure for your kids and yourself.
The EWF’s list of the “Clean 15” highlights produce with the least pesticide residue.
The fruits include: cantaloupe, grapefruit, kiwi, mangoes, papayas and pineapple. They offer fiber, potassium, vitamin C and folate. Plus mangoes and papayas may help control blood sugar. The veggies include: asparagus, avocadoes, cabbage, cauliflower, eggplant, corn, frozen sweet peas, onions and sweet potatoes. Asparagus delivers vitamin B-6, calcium, zinc and magnesium; avocodoes help stabilize blood sugar; cabbage and cauliflower protect the heart, brain and digestive system; eggplant offers anti-inflammatory power; corn is fiber-rich and packs folate, thiamin and phosphorus; peas dish up vitamins A, B1-, B-6, C and K. (We don't eat corn as most is GMO and it has been highly hybridized to create ultra sweet corn which is highly inflammatory.)
And remember: Wash your produce well, including whatever you peel.
Just an additional note from Kay. Most papaya, soy, and corn are genetically modified, so provide a big “Round Up” punch. We avoid all genetically modified foods.
July 2014
Kim on negative ALS clinics, negative neurologists
A Letter from Kim
It has now been over 2½ years since that memorable day in November of 2011 when we sat and listened to my neurologist give us the ALS diagnosis and subsequent death sentence. But it has been a very eventful 2½ years.
Today, I still play golf and walk 18 holes quite regularly. Not only is my golf game still testing my patience, but I am finding I have more energy to work. I do not have the stamina I wish I had, and my newest saying is that “I can get a half days’ work done in just about any day.” But it does feel good to be able to work again, without struggling for air.
We have said many times that we are not exactly sure what it is that has worked so well for us. We believe it is a conglomerate of the many of things we have done. We have continued to add supplements such as more coconut oil and magnesium to the diet, and are ever mindful of the toxicity issues.
We feel the hyperbarics and ozone treatments played an important part in our early success. But we recognize they are not easily available for most PALS, are expensive, and the necessary ozone supplies are getting harder to get. Thus, we thought it would be a good test to reduce treatments in these areas, to see if we could notice any differences in how I felt.
I have only done one series of hyperbarics (a forty dive series) since last winter, and have only done the ozone IVs and other ozone treatments once a week for the past few weeks.
I have not noticed any significant changes or negative effects from these reduced therapies. Of all our therapies and treatments, I still believe, as does Kay, that a positive mind set, coupled with a faith and believe in Divine Providence, is the most crucial tool needed to beat ALS. (PMA-Positive Mental Attitude)
I pulled out my neurologist’s summary of a follow-up EMG and NCS done last September (2013), where she confirmed her death sentence. She told me the ALS was progressing rapidly, and that there was still no hope for survival. I guess I wanted to see if she really said and wrote what I thought she had. It was all still there in that horrid black and white. Doing this “review” was no doubt a mistake, even though I don’t accept or believe her analysis. It is so important that we eliminate any negative input from any source. That is why I believe all these ALS clinics are a mistake for those of us that are determined to beat this thing. Once we have surrendered, they may be of value, but until then, they only erode our PMA, and thereby become our enemy, not our friend, however well-intentioned they may be.
We have been impressed and even excited by how many ALS success stories are out there. It seems that each one is unique in their approach to the disease. The one common thread seems to be a stubborn streak that refuses to accept a demise from ALS.
If you haven’t read their stories, please find them in our “Others” link in this site. Then figure out what you think will work best for you, and put your whole heart into healing. With God’s help, you can succeed.
I say to each PALS, do your own research, and make your own decisions as to your treatments and protocol. But do not leave it in the hands of just anyone, just because insurance covers their office call and they have a lot of certificates on their wall. Take control of your own fight. I personally believe in miracles.
God Speed to all my PALS.
August 2, 2014
Regression possible if you don't stick to the program
Dear PALS and Caregivers,
On July 5th we had a 90th birthday party for my mother. I made Kim a gluten-free carrot cake (his favorite dessert) so he could have a piece of cake at the party. We came home with about ½ of the cake and froze pieces of it. My thought is that maybe he would finish it over the rest of the summer, but it disappeared in a week. Kim has a fungus issue (and obviously a sweet tooth.) That is the other half of the equation for not eating our wonderful homemade bread with gluten. Sugars feed fungus and help it to grow. He began having more trouble with his lungs. So I studied the essentials oils book and Melaleuca or tea tree oil is an anti-fungal, the very best anti-fungal oil. I put a few drops of the oil in our diffuser and diffused the oil into the air for him to breathe. It seemed to make that issue clear right up.
Healing ALS is a never ending process. You really can never go back to the old lifestyle and expect no problems. I met with our local biological dentist. Dr. Farris told me that he knew a man with ALS that reversed all his symptoms and got tested again showing no ALS. The man then went back to his old lifestyle and the ALS came back and killed him.
The benefit of changing the foods we eat and the stress we live under, is that we, and hopefully our family, will learn a newer, healthier way of living.
Love and prayers from Kay
September 2014
Back massage with 9 essential oils
This week, with concern for his weight loss (we upped his calorie intake with more avocados, etc.,) and other minor issues, I decided it was time to give him a "Sympathy of Oils" back rub. I gave him one three nights ago and again last night. He commented that after the oils rub the first night that he was able to move his toes better, they weren’t so stiff.
Sympathy of Oils Instructions
Use therapeutic grade oils, not cosmetic grade. They are more concentrated and more pure.
Thyme and Cloves are hot oils, so they need to be diluted. I put 8-10 drops of fractionated coconut oil (but good olive oil can also be used) from the spine to the neck and rub it in a little. That will help dilute those two oils.
I open all the bottles and line them up so I can go from one bottle to the other easily.
Start with frankincense and rub a little on the bottom of the feet and then on the shoulders. Only the frankincense needs to go on the bottom of the feet and the shoulders.
The order of the oils in important:
Put 5-8 drops of the first oil and starting at the spine gently massage in into the spine starting at the base of the spine rotating clockwise and in small circles up the spine to the neck. Repeat three times with each oil. Order of Oils:
Aroma Touch
Cover the back with a towel and let rest for 10 minutes.
Repeat how often? I don’t know. The oils oxygenate your body so when in the crisis at the beginning ALS symptoms especially with breathing issues, I would probably do it once a day.
Frankincense and Melissa are the two most expensive oils. Melissa being over $200 for a tiny bottle, but I bit the bullet and did it and now need more. I also did not use the 8-10 drops recommended because Kim had already had done an amazing job of reversing so many symptoms, so I used 4-6 drops. But you determine where you are at in your healing needs and go from there.
The Aroma Touch is a blend of oils. I have researched a bit on other brands of essential oils besides doTerra, and find that different companies have different blends. I have no idea whether one company is better than another. I stuck with the doTerra because I know people to call who could help me. I had tried therapeutic grade Oil of Oregano I bought from a health food store. It seemed to have no effect in helping my sinus problem, but when I got the doTerra Oregano, I noticed a difference in just a few days.
It should be noted that this Sympathy of Oils therapy should only be done 2-3 times per week. If you want to get additional benefit from those oils, you could put a few drops of three of the oils in a capsule and take them internally. Then another day you could take another 3 oils, etc.
October 2014
Book Curing the Incurable, by Dr. Thomas Levy, importance of Vit C
Kay here: Dear PALS and Caregivers,
First of all, please remember that I am not a doctor and have no official training in any medical field. The information provided herein is based on my own evaluation of the work of others, many are indeed, specialists in their medical field. Though we believe all the work we have done has not only reversed, but is healing Kim’s ALS, we claim no cure for ALS or any other disease. As Kim likes to say, ALS is similar to broken bone. It can never be cured, but it can be healed. Sometimes it is stronger and better than before the break, and sometimes it is never quite the same. But the “healing” allows life to go on, even if at a reduced scale. It is still LIFE.
The Ebola outbreak is raging. There obviously no vaccine for Ebola, but I have no doubt that Big Pharma is going to try to come up with one. Vaccines have no effect on a virus, but drug companies make billions of dollars selling them. When Kim was diagnosed with ALS, his doctor told him to go get a flu shot. Kim refused. We have never had a flu shot and don’t plan on getting one. This link: http://www.russellblaylockmd.com/ has some data on what they put in flu shots. So if ALS is a toxicity issue like we believe it is, my question is, how would adding more toxins to your body be of any benefit?
This summer I was given the book, Curing the Incurable, Vitamin C, Infections and Toxins by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD (he is a cardiologist and a lawyer, interesting combination.) The book was a little technical for me but what I gleaned was that if you have an infection, your Vitamin C available in your body rushes to try to fight off that infection. If something else comes along and your Vitamin C is being used up, there is none left for the new infection. The link below includes some key information on Vitamin C, but after reading Dr. Levy’s book, my conclusion is that Allan Smith in the film was already fighting leukemia that he didn’t know he had. His Vitamin C was fighting that when he got the swine flu. Thus, he had no Vitamin C left for the next fight.
Getting adequate Vitamin C from your diet and supplements if important. Vitamin C will even detox heavy metals. That is good news for PALS. Kim was given Vitality C when his treatments started in Tennessee. One teaspoon of Vitality C is 4000 mg. It can be found on amazon.com.
Avoid inflammation. Dr. Blaylock recently sent a newsletter discussing inflammation, titled “Prevent the Top Destroyers of Good Health: Inflammation”. What creates inflammation in the body? Bad oils, lack of exercise and a high carb diet. All carbs create inflammation, but high grain diets and high sugars are probably the worst of all carbs. Think drinking diet soda is better? Not so. It raises your craving for sugars and leads to diabetes even more quickly than sugar. If your body is not in a stage of heavy inflammation, it will better resist bad bugs.
Should I mention here that soda pop is phosphoric acid (our body cannot process it) and is 10,000 times more acidic than our blood according to Dr. Hannah Yoseph? Our blood has to be right in the middle between alkaline and acidic. So the blood has to gather alkalinity from the bones and organs in order to keep us alive. Where does that leave our organs and bones?
Vitamin D. Vitamin D is critical for your immune system. Vitamin D3 is a natural substance. Vitamin D2 is synthetic. Our body does not recognize synthetic substances; that is what side effects from drugs are – our body trying to reject something foreign. As winter comes, which seems to be flu season, we have less Vitamin D because we are not out in the sun as much and our Vitamin D levels begin to drop. In the northern upper half of the US, we cannot get Vitamin D from the sun even if it is sunny and we are on the ski slopes. The sun is too low in the sky for the Vitamin D to be absorbed in the skin (but you could still get a sunburn.) So those with ALS should work hard to have their levels of Vitamin D in their body closer to 90 than to 40. Forty is supposedly in the safe range, but it is better to be in the higher part of the safe range than the lower.
So have a safe winter. Get enough Vitamin D3 and Vitamin C and watch the bad carbs and bad oil intake.
Love from Kay
November 2014
Power of positive mental attitude
We have come to realize in working with PALS that your belief system and state of mind is so powerful in healing. When you are angry, fearful, depressed, crying, frustrated, etc., then no matter what supplements you use, they will not be effective because the body cannot process them. On the other hand, if you are happy, joyful, grateful, thankful, etc., then the body can use the supplements and heal. Have you counted your blessings this week? Here is a great story:
For fun, I was giving my husband a magazine quiz, one of those designed to point the way to a bright contented life.
"Do you get enough sleep?" I read. "Do you have a hobby"? Then I asked the next questions without thinking. "Are you happy"? I held my breath.....How could his answer be "Yes"? He was bound to a wheelchair by multiple sclerosis, dependent on me for so many things he once had done effortlessly by himself.
"Of course I am happy. You know I never dwell on what I can't do. I concentrate on what I can do."
"You are great about that," I said. "You inspire others."
He waved my compliment aside but gave me a pleased smile. "I've always loved to drive a car. I can still do it with my hand controls. With some help, I go to the office every day and get around nicely in my power chair. Like the other couples, you and I have dinner with friends, we take trips."
Then his eyes became serious. "Being handicapped is frustrating. But God gives us all a great abundance; there's so much to choose from, so many choices, I'd be a fool not to be thankful for them."
I put down the magazine. We didn't need the quiz. End of story.
Lord, in this wide, wonderful world You've given me, happiness depends on MY outlook. On this Thanksgiving Day, and every day, help me to keep looking out for it.
We pray that each of your days will be filled with happiness.
Kim and Kay
December 2014
Use of Magnesium Oil and Coconut on feet
As the year is nearly over, we hope that something we have shared this year has been of benefit to our PALS. We left Texas in April this year and returned to Idaho to weed, mow lawns, pick raspberries, plant a garden and spend time with family. It was interesting to note that on our return to Texas in November, some friends commented that Kim looks better than he did in April.
One new thing Kim started is rubbing magnesium oil and coconut oil on the bottom of his feet every morning before he puts on his socks and shoes. After about two months, he noticed that he could move his toes better. Before he could just barely move them, and now he can lift them. Every bit of improvement is noteworthy. Sometimes we get so busy living or striving to get better that we forget to note even small changes. Perhaps making a list of them would be a good idea. Anything that helps the mind going in a positive direction on the healing scale is a good thing.
We have had several PALS share ideas. So the following links are to study to determine if they have any value for you. We probably not have tried them. Our advice is to study them and then pray about them to see if they are of value for you. All PALS come to ALS from different toxic sources. All are biologically different. What works for one may not be the answer for another. But the power of the mind, detoxing the body and your environment, and feeding the body pure food and supplements are all a common theme. How you accomplish them may differ from person to person.
Before the links below, I want to share a story of a young man diagnosed in 1986 with ALS at age 17. He was told he had 6 months to live. He was in a wheelchair and spent most of his time in his room. He decided if he was going to meet his Maker soon, he should get better acquainted with him. He used visualization to place himself in the presence of the Savior when the Savior was healing people. He visualized little soldiers inside his body fixing what was broken. He also decided if he was going to ask his maker to heal him, he should at least start eating vegetables as he had never eaten vegetables in his life. So this young man is now about 45 and is married and has 3 children. He has no ALS symptoms. He went back to the same hospital in 2011 and had the tests redone. They still had his original ALS diagnostic papers. He is completely free of ALS.
One thing he has learned though is that he does not process Vitamin B12 well. He found a methyl B12 that he feels is very useful for him. It can be found at www.methyl-life.com.
So here are ideas from others:
Dr. Russell Blaylock, neurosurgeon
Excitotoxins, Neurotoxins & Human Neurological Disease Lecture - Dr. Russell Blaylock
Dr. Marshall
Video by Robert Morse N.D. on acidosis and how it affects ALS, etc. He recommends just eating fruit, berries and melons to heal ALS. That may be radical but ALS is radical. I have studied the importance of having a proper PH balance for the chemistry in your body. Being acidic leads to all kinds of disease. So getting your body to the alkaline side of the scale is important. He says 7.4 to 7.6. That is probably a good goal. The video gives you an excellent understanding of the body and how to clear it of toxins.
There seems to be no one doctor that has all the answers to heal ALS, so you need to use your intuition as you gather information and study to decide what is right for you.
We are passionate about helping you find ways to heal, but you have to be the master of your healing process.
Jan - Book Excititoxins, By Dr. Blaylock. Where to find MSG & aspartame to avoid them
Feb - Book The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton. Our cells behave how we treat them.
Mar - Kim's healing update
Apr - Essential Oils healing therapy for the spine
May - Book The Magnesium Miracle by Dr. Carolyn Dean
Jun - Foods. Dr. Oz - clean and dirty foods.
July - Kim on negative ALS clinics, negative neurologists
Aug - Regression possible if you don't stick to the program
Sep - Back massage with 9 essential oils
Oct - Book Curing the Incurable, by Dr. Thomas Levy, importance of Vit C
Nov - Power of positive mental attitude
Dec - Use of Magnesium Oil and Coconut on feet
January 2014
Book Excititoxins, By Dr. Blaylock. Where to find MSG & aspartame to avoid them
I ordered a new book called "Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills" by Dr. Russell Blaylock, a neurosurgeon. I had heard of the book several years ago and have been trying to avoid the excitotoxins since then, but the book is powerful and I recommend anyone with a neurological issue to get and read it. (Actually we all need to read it so we can figure out how not to let the FDA kill us with the foods and additive that they approve for our consumption. 80,000 chemicals now approved for our food supply.) He relates the history of MSG and shows why it is so dangerous. He also covers aspartame and its history and why it is also dangerous. Those of us that are 60 years plus probably did not start out our life with either of those toxins in our diet, but it is so prevalent now that I fear for our children and grandchildren. The FDA has allowed it in baby food and children's food and allows food manufactures to market it to children. MSG is a flavor enhancer. Aspartame is a sweetener.
Dr. Blaylock points out in his book that those with ALS or other neurological issues have brains with brain barriers that are not functioning properly. The brain barriers have become compromised and are allowing into the brain these MSG or aspartame toxins. Both toxins are so prevalent in our food supply that none of us are immune to its destructive forces. Reading labels for MSG or aspartame does not reveal all they names the industry has attached to them as they try to hide them from us. So I am going to list some of them here for you:
Additives which always contain MSG (which stands for monosodium glutamate):
Hydrolized Vegetable Protein
Hydrolized Protein
Hydrolized Plant Protein
Plant Protein Extract
Sodium Caseinate
Yeast Extract
Texterized Protein
Autolyzed Yeast
Hydrolized Oat Flour
Additives that frequently contain MSG:
Malt extract
Malt flavoring
Natural Flavoring
Natural Beef or Chicken Flavoring
Additives that may contain MSG or Excitotoxins:
Carrageenan (I can't find a college cheese without this one)
Soy Protein Concentrate
Soy Protein Isolate
Whey Protein Concentrate ( If you feel you need a whey protein, I would consider ordering it from Dr. Joseph Mercola at www.mercola.com. Dr. Mercola’s is very aware of anything toxic and only uses and sells only healthful products.
Apartame is also called Nutrisweet. It has many other names but I don't have them at my fingertips right now. But I'll bet that they can be found on Dr. Mercola's site. Aspartame is what they use in diet sodas for a sweetener. It is highly toxic to the brain. I had a doctor tell me to take Metamucil for the rest of my life to keep a clean colon. Guess what! One of its ingredients is - Aspartame! Actually supplemental magnesium will do the same thing. Probably the majority of Americans are deficient in magnesium. Dr. Blaylock talks about the need for magnesium in neurological illnesses.
Now to why we should watch this video that I have attached below. Our children and grandchildren are at far greater risk than we are because many of them have been exposed to these toxins even before birth. Our pregnant daughter-in-law's favorite salad dressing is Ranch. It is very difficult to find a ranch dressing without MSG. So even before he is born, I fear for neurological damage to our unborn grandson.
Both MSG and aspartame create cravings for the foods that contain them. And they are in every processed food imaginable. Don't believe that just going to a health food store protects you from anything bad. You have to read every label.
February 2014
Book - The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton. Our cells behave how we treat them
Last month I read a book that had quite an impact. The book I read is by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. and is titled “The Biology of Belief”. Bruce is a cell biologist. He was trained to understand all the workings of cells. He taught cell biology in medical school to medical students. He was taught under the Newton theory that a cell was just something inert, that it had no mind of its own. Then he did some research and a professor told him once that “It’s the environment, stupid.” He learned that if you give a cell toxic materials, the cell will begin to die. But if you feed it nutritiously, it will repair and heal. To me that said, “if you feed your body real food, it can thrive. If you feed your body junk food, it will die.” What is the nutritional environment that you provide to your body?
Now Bruce admits in the book that he was very much an atheist. He also tells how very unhappy he was even though he was working in the field that fascinated him even as a child. But the more he studied cells, the more he came to realize that each cell had a mind. In essence, that without a mind or without a soul, the cell cannot function. It brought Bruce to a belief in a spiritual realm that he had never experienced before. He talks about how our subconscious mind is programed a certain way from experiences as we grew up, and that it controls our belief system. As we correct the misconceptions in our subconscious mind, we can live happier, healthier lives. He talks about and explains quantum physics and how that relates to our spirits. So perhaps there is even more value in the book “The Healing Code” than I first thought. It uses quantum physics to help us heal the issues in our lives that are creating health problems.
So you have to believe you can get well or improve in order for your body to get the message that that is what it’s supposed to do. He now has several Youtube videos teaching you how to use the power of your mind.
March 2014
Kim's healing update
Dear Fellow PALS, Care Givers, Family, and Friends;
We have now been in South Texas for three months, and will be here for another three weeks.
My progress continues. I am now able to swim for a continuous 50 laps in our resort lap pool, which equates to just about 3/4 mile. I would like to do it three times a week and to continue increasing the distances, but I get a bit lazy, and there is much else to do.
We are seeing some exciting things happening, as we continue to learn of others reaching for alternative treatments.
Our special thanks go out to Patricia Tamowski and the people working with her group, www.healthadw.com. They are working to put together a documentary, as well as a book, that will feature the protocols of 12 ALS survivors. They have asked me to write a chapter for their book, of which I am honored to do, and am presently completing the second draft. I might add that except for me, now going on 2½ years since my diagnosis, all others have survived for 10 years or more.
One of the most exciting things about my progress is that my symptoms were primary upper neuron issues, also referred to as Bulbar Palsy. It is the most aggressive ALS prognosis, and I am pleased to continue not only to hold my own, but to reverse and heal. My walking is still a bit unsteady, but it gives me an excuse to hold my sweethearts hand as we stroll down the street, even if it is half pace. People can think that we are just going slow so we can spend more time together. Heaven knows, they may even think we are newlyweds.
I am especially excited about a chapter I just read in Doctor Richard Horowitz's book, Why I Can't Get Better. Get it on your iPad for about $12, and read Chapter 12. Dr. Horowitz is an MD, and is actually treating PALS with some significant success. He is a Lyme disease specialist and often those with ALS also have Lyme’s disease. Make sure your doctors, if you still use them, see and read his protocol and suggestions.
I continue to applaud all of you that are fighting your disease. A positive mental attitude is crucial. It might even be more than a positive attitude. You really have to believe you can get well. When you instruct your mind that it is going to get well instead of dying, your mind that controls your body begins to tell your body to get well. Give your body the best tools possible. Know that there are a lot of things you can do to get well. If you can somehow incorporate our protocol into your program, by all means do it. But if some of it does not work for you, find something that does.
God Speed To You All!
April 2014 - Kay’s notes
Essential Oils healing therapy for the spine
Last month we added two more PALS to our “others” list, Steven and Butch. Both contribute a wealth of information on what they have done to heal. Be sure to read Steven’s web site and Butch’s links. Incredibly valuable stuff.
One thing we have not mentioned in the past is our treatment with essential oils. Although I don’t know that they would heal ALS all by themselves, they provide some very valuable tools for managing symptoms.
In those terrible months right after the diagnosis when Kim was having a difficult time breathing, even more so when he laid down at night, I had a friend teach me about essential oils and reflexology. The premise is that nerve endings for most organs in our body end in our feet. There are certain spots on our feet for most every organ in our body. Because essential oils extracted from plants have such small molecular structure, they are able to be absorbed into our skin and then follow the nerve path to the affected organ and provide oxygen and healing. I was shown where on Kim’s feet to affect the spine and where to affect the lungs. Every night for the next 6 to 7 months, I rubbed oils of Frankincense, Cypress, Sandlewood, and Balance blend on the spine portion of his feet and the Breathe oil blend on his lung portion. (These are supposedly oils that can cross the blood brain barrier and provide improvement to ALS, Parkinsons, etc.)
I would start with the Sandlewood oil and pound it in the palm of my hand until I had a drop or two. Sandlewood is very thick and so it takes some pounding to get a little out. I would then add the other three oils and maybe with a little carrier oil like olive oil. I would rub that along the arch of both feet and massage that oil in for 15 to 20 passes from the heal of the foot to the knuckle of the big toe. I would also massage a little Breathe oil onto the lung spot on the foot. That helps open the airways so breathing is easier.
The oils I used were from www.doterra.com. There are many essential oil companies on the market. It is important to use therapeutic grade oils not cosmetic grade as they are much more powerful. This is the oils I was trained to use and I don’t know how to compare the oils to other companies oils.
His improvement was not dramatic at that time, but he was able to lay down and sleep after a relatively short period of time. From mid-January to mid-March, he made considerable improvement in his ability to breathe. I believe the oils made an impact. They would not be the only therapy one would use, but I believe they have some value. Even today, he seems to sleep better after a foot treatment with the oils. And in the last 30 days or so, Kim is asking for a foot rub or the back rub as explained below. It helps him sleep better after a game of golf.
The book Modern Essentials expounds on the theory that “The blood-brain barrier is the barrier membrane between the circulating blood and the brain that prevents certain damaging substances from reaching brain tissue and cerebrospinal fluid. It states that the American Medical Association (AMA) determined that if they could find an agent that would pass the blood-brain barrier, they would be able to cure Alzheimer’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease. It also states that chemical constituents known as sesquiterpenes – commonly found in essential oils such as frankincense and sandalwood – are known to be able to go beyond the blood-brain barrier. Thus, high levels of these sesquiterpenes help increase the amount of oxygen in the limbic system of the brain, particularly around the pineal and pituitary glands, and thus lead to an increase in secretion of antibodies, endorphins and neurotransmitters.”
The book is impressive, but since it is written by the company that makes money selling the oils in a network marketing system, Kim was extremely skeptical, and to some extent, still is, however he has learned to ask for oils, especially the Breathe because he knows it helps him.
(Just a current note: Kim was having some difficulty getting as much oxygen as he wanted when he slept at night here in South Texas in mid-February of 2014. So I bought a diffuser and started defusing the Breathe oil into the air before bedtime. I also rubbed his feet again with the oils. After about a week, the issue seemed to resolve.)
We began applying other essential oils to Kim’s feet daily. His toes curl so badly, that his toenails will scratch on the floor if not trimmed. He almost has what would be called a club foot, partly from the ALS, but also from the issue he has had with his extreme high arches. I rub coconut oil, marjoram oil and lemongrass oil on the tendons that go to the toes. After about three months, I believe we are seeing more flexibility in his toes and movement in the joint of the right big toe that was completely locked.
If you want to know more about a series of oils called Symphony of Oils that helps the nerves, you can email me.
I can’t help but brag. Kim swam a mile in the lap pool at the resort here on April 9th - a new record since the ALS diagnosis. Pretty good for someone who could not even get in a body of water two years ago without feeling like his chest was being crushed. He complains that it took him 45 minutes, plus, but still, it was steady and continuous.
You may go to the August 2014 entry for information on the back oils called the Symphony of Oils if you are interested in that therapy.
May 2014 – Notes from Kay
Book - The Magnesium Miracle by Dr. Carolyn Dean
I had just received the book, The Magnesium Miracle, by Dr. Carolyn Dean. I want to share more of what she presented in her book.
There are many conditions associated with magnesium deficiency.
Acid reflux
Adrenal fatigue
Anxiety and panic attacks
Blood clots
Bowel disease
Brain dysfunction
Cholesterol elevation
Heart disease
Irritable bowel syndrome
Kidney disease
Kidney stones
Migraine headaches
Musculoskeletal conditions – muscle cramps, fibrositis, fibromyalgia, GI spasms, tension headaches, muscle spasms, chronic neck and back pain.
Nerve problems – burning, muscle weakness, numbness, paralysis and sensitivity, pins-and-needles sensations, seizures and convulsions, twitching, vertigo and confusion.
Obstetrical and gynecological problems
Cerebral palsy
Sudden infant death syndrome
Parkinson’s disease
Raynaud’s syndrome
Sports injuries
Sports recovery
Tooth decay
The list does not include ALS, but I think that everyone with ALS has a serious magnesium deficiency.
As I go through the list, there are many things that point a finger right at me. And when you consider the issues of ALS, you can see right where magnesium deficiency fits in.
Only about 1% of our magnesium in found in our blood, so a standard blood test is not a good test of determining if we have enough magnesium. Dr. Dean tells in her book how to get the proper kind of magnesium test. There are many types of magnesium and Dr. Dean explains the differences. The book is very good at helping you understand the vast importance of magnesium. Magnesium is needed 24/7 to do its hundreds of jobs. Calcium is stored in the body, magnesium is not. Magnesium is control of opening the channels for calcium. Magnesium and calcium should be equal or calcium problems occur.
My concern right now also includes each of the care givers. Magnesium will be used up very rapidly when the care giver is under stress to help their loved one. Magnesium is used up very quickly also when the PALS is under stress trying to deal with ALS. So magnesium is critical for both the PALS and the care giver. We hope you can learn all you can about magnesium, how it works to make everything in the body working better and how much of which kind is needed to be healthy.
Both Kim and I have been taking magnesium for some time, even before the diagnosis. But we have recently increased the dosages, and feel it could be a significant part of the reason Kim continues to improve, even now. The failure of traditional neurologists and other practitioners to emphasize the importance of magnesium, as well as many other supplemental therapies, should be an embarrassment to their profession. We are continuing to find those doctors, like Doctor Dean, that think outside the box. We sincerely believe this is where the cure for ALS will be found. Maybe cure is not the right word. If you heal the things in the body that are damaged, the body could heal.
I have put a magnesium rub recipe under the Misc tab so you can get magnesium through your skin. Dr. Carolyn Dean and Jigsaw health both make a magnesium lotion. Another method of getting magnesium is to soak in a tub with Epson salts.
June 2014
Foods. Dr. Oz - clean and dirty foods.
In the paper this week in the Dr. Oz column, he talks ‘All about the ‘Clean 15’. Here is what his article says:
When the Wicked Queen offered Snow white a poisoned apple, she had no idea it was the fruit most frequently contaminated by pesticide. That’s what the Environmental Working Group’s 2014 examination of pesticide in fruits and veggies revealed: 99 percent of apples had residue from at least one pesticide. And some other fruits (less frequently) registered residue from 13 or more.
Pesticides from produce plus garden and household products are linked to cancers, decreased cognitive function, ADHD and behavioral problems in children. But you can reduce exposure for your kids and yourself.
The EWF’s list of the “Clean 15” highlights produce with the least pesticide residue.
The fruits include: cantaloupe, grapefruit, kiwi, mangoes, papayas and pineapple. They offer fiber, potassium, vitamin C and folate. Plus mangoes and papayas may help control blood sugar. The veggies include: asparagus, avocadoes, cabbage, cauliflower, eggplant, corn, frozen sweet peas, onions and sweet potatoes. Asparagus delivers vitamin B-6, calcium, zinc and magnesium; avocodoes help stabilize blood sugar; cabbage and cauliflower protect the heart, brain and digestive system; eggplant offers anti-inflammatory power; corn is fiber-rich and packs folate, thiamin and phosphorus; peas dish up vitamins A, B1-, B-6, C and K. (We don't eat corn as most is GMO and it has been highly hybridized to create ultra sweet corn which is highly inflammatory.)
And remember: Wash your produce well, including whatever you peel.
Just an additional note from Kay. Most papaya, soy, and corn are genetically modified, so provide a big “Round Up” punch. We avoid all genetically modified foods.
July 2014
Kim on negative ALS clinics, negative neurologists
A Letter from Kim
It has now been over 2½ years since that memorable day in November of 2011 when we sat and listened to my neurologist give us the ALS diagnosis and subsequent death sentence. But it has been a very eventful 2½ years.
Today, I still play golf and walk 18 holes quite regularly. Not only is my golf game still testing my patience, but I am finding I have more energy to work. I do not have the stamina I wish I had, and my newest saying is that “I can get a half days’ work done in just about any day.” But it does feel good to be able to work again, without struggling for air.
We have said many times that we are not exactly sure what it is that has worked so well for us. We believe it is a conglomerate of the many of things we have done. We have continued to add supplements such as more coconut oil and magnesium to the diet, and are ever mindful of the toxicity issues.
We feel the hyperbarics and ozone treatments played an important part in our early success. But we recognize they are not easily available for most PALS, are expensive, and the necessary ozone supplies are getting harder to get. Thus, we thought it would be a good test to reduce treatments in these areas, to see if we could notice any differences in how I felt.
I have only done one series of hyperbarics (a forty dive series) since last winter, and have only done the ozone IVs and other ozone treatments once a week for the past few weeks.
I have not noticed any significant changes or negative effects from these reduced therapies. Of all our therapies and treatments, I still believe, as does Kay, that a positive mind set, coupled with a faith and believe in Divine Providence, is the most crucial tool needed to beat ALS. (PMA-Positive Mental Attitude)
I pulled out my neurologist’s summary of a follow-up EMG and NCS done last September (2013), where she confirmed her death sentence. She told me the ALS was progressing rapidly, and that there was still no hope for survival. I guess I wanted to see if she really said and wrote what I thought she had. It was all still there in that horrid black and white. Doing this “review” was no doubt a mistake, even though I don’t accept or believe her analysis. It is so important that we eliminate any negative input from any source. That is why I believe all these ALS clinics are a mistake for those of us that are determined to beat this thing. Once we have surrendered, they may be of value, but until then, they only erode our PMA, and thereby become our enemy, not our friend, however well-intentioned they may be.
We have been impressed and even excited by how many ALS success stories are out there. It seems that each one is unique in their approach to the disease. The one common thread seems to be a stubborn streak that refuses to accept a demise from ALS.
If you haven’t read their stories, please find them in our “Others” link in this site. Then figure out what you think will work best for you, and put your whole heart into healing. With God’s help, you can succeed.
I say to each PALS, do your own research, and make your own decisions as to your treatments and protocol. But do not leave it in the hands of just anyone, just because insurance covers their office call and they have a lot of certificates on their wall. Take control of your own fight. I personally believe in miracles.
God Speed to all my PALS.
August 2, 2014
Regression possible if you don't stick to the program
Dear PALS and Caregivers,
On July 5th we had a 90th birthday party for my mother. I made Kim a gluten-free carrot cake (his favorite dessert) so he could have a piece of cake at the party. We came home with about ½ of the cake and froze pieces of it. My thought is that maybe he would finish it over the rest of the summer, but it disappeared in a week. Kim has a fungus issue (and obviously a sweet tooth.) That is the other half of the equation for not eating our wonderful homemade bread with gluten. Sugars feed fungus and help it to grow. He began having more trouble with his lungs. So I studied the essentials oils book and Melaleuca or tea tree oil is an anti-fungal, the very best anti-fungal oil. I put a few drops of the oil in our diffuser and diffused the oil into the air for him to breathe. It seemed to make that issue clear right up.
Healing ALS is a never ending process. You really can never go back to the old lifestyle and expect no problems. I met with our local biological dentist. Dr. Farris told me that he knew a man with ALS that reversed all his symptoms and got tested again showing no ALS. The man then went back to his old lifestyle and the ALS came back and killed him.
The benefit of changing the foods we eat and the stress we live under, is that we, and hopefully our family, will learn a newer, healthier way of living.
Love and prayers from Kay
September 2014
Back massage with 9 essential oils
This week, with concern for his weight loss (we upped his calorie intake with more avocados, etc.,) and other minor issues, I decided it was time to give him a "Sympathy of Oils" back rub. I gave him one three nights ago and again last night. He commented that after the oils rub the first night that he was able to move his toes better, they weren’t so stiff.
Sympathy of Oils Instructions
Use therapeutic grade oils, not cosmetic grade. They are more concentrated and more pure.
Thyme and Cloves are hot oils, so they need to be diluted. I put 8-10 drops of fractionated coconut oil (but good olive oil can also be used) from the spine to the neck and rub it in a little. That will help dilute those two oils.
I open all the bottles and line them up so I can go from one bottle to the other easily.
Start with frankincense and rub a little on the bottom of the feet and then on the shoulders. Only the frankincense needs to go on the bottom of the feet and the shoulders.
The order of the oils in important:
Put 5-8 drops of the first oil and starting at the spine gently massage in into the spine starting at the base of the spine rotating clockwise and in small circles up the spine to the neck. Repeat three times with each oil. Order of Oils:
Aroma Touch
Cover the back with a towel and let rest for 10 minutes.
Repeat how often? I don’t know. The oils oxygenate your body so when in the crisis at the beginning ALS symptoms especially with breathing issues, I would probably do it once a day.
Frankincense and Melissa are the two most expensive oils. Melissa being over $200 for a tiny bottle, but I bit the bullet and did it and now need more. I also did not use the 8-10 drops recommended because Kim had already had done an amazing job of reversing so many symptoms, so I used 4-6 drops. But you determine where you are at in your healing needs and go from there.
The Aroma Touch is a blend of oils. I have researched a bit on other brands of essential oils besides doTerra, and find that different companies have different blends. I have no idea whether one company is better than another. I stuck with the doTerra because I know people to call who could help me. I had tried therapeutic grade Oil of Oregano I bought from a health food store. It seemed to have no effect in helping my sinus problem, but when I got the doTerra Oregano, I noticed a difference in just a few days.
It should be noted that this Sympathy of Oils therapy should only be done 2-3 times per week. If you want to get additional benefit from those oils, you could put a few drops of three of the oils in a capsule and take them internally. Then another day you could take another 3 oils, etc.
October 2014
Book Curing the Incurable, by Dr. Thomas Levy, importance of Vit C
Kay here: Dear PALS and Caregivers,
First of all, please remember that I am not a doctor and have no official training in any medical field. The information provided herein is based on my own evaluation of the work of others, many are indeed, specialists in their medical field. Though we believe all the work we have done has not only reversed, but is healing Kim’s ALS, we claim no cure for ALS or any other disease. As Kim likes to say, ALS is similar to broken bone. It can never be cured, but it can be healed. Sometimes it is stronger and better than before the break, and sometimes it is never quite the same. But the “healing” allows life to go on, even if at a reduced scale. It is still LIFE.
The Ebola outbreak is raging. There obviously no vaccine for Ebola, but I have no doubt that Big Pharma is going to try to come up with one. Vaccines have no effect on a virus, but drug companies make billions of dollars selling them. When Kim was diagnosed with ALS, his doctor told him to go get a flu shot. Kim refused. We have never had a flu shot and don’t plan on getting one. This link: http://www.russellblaylockmd.com/ has some data on what they put in flu shots. So if ALS is a toxicity issue like we believe it is, my question is, how would adding more toxins to your body be of any benefit?
This summer I was given the book, Curing the Incurable, Vitamin C, Infections and Toxins by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD (he is a cardiologist and a lawyer, interesting combination.) The book was a little technical for me but what I gleaned was that if you have an infection, your Vitamin C available in your body rushes to try to fight off that infection. If something else comes along and your Vitamin C is being used up, there is none left for the new infection. The link below includes some key information on Vitamin C, but after reading Dr. Levy’s book, my conclusion is that Allan Smith in the film was already fighting leukemia that he didn’t know he had. His Vitamin C was fighting that when he got the swine flu. Thus, he had no Vitamin C left for the next fight.
Getting adequate Vitamin C from your diet and supplements if important. Vitamin C will even detox heavy metals. That is good news for PALS. Kim was given Vitality C when his treatments started in Tennessee. One teaspoon of Vitality C is 4000 mg. It can be found on amazon.com.
Avoid inflammation. Dr. Blaylock recently sent a newsletter discussing inflammation, titled “Prevent the Top Destroyers of Good Health: Inflammation”. What creates inflammation in the body? Bad oils, lack of exercise and a high carb diet. All carbs create inflammation, but high grain diets and high sugars are probably the worst of all carbs. Think drinking diet soda is better? Not so. It raises your craving for sugars and leads to diabetes even more quickly than sugar. If your body is not in a stage of heavy inflammation, it will better resist bad bugs.
Should I mention here that soda pop is phosphoric acid (our body cannot process it) and is 10,000 times more acidic than our blood according to Dr. Hannah Yoseph? Our blood has to be right in the middle between alkaline and acidic. So the blood has to gather alkalinity from the bones and organs in order to keep us alive. Where does that leave our organs and bones?
Vitamin D. Vitamin D is critical for your immune system. Vitamin D3 is a natural substance. Vitamin D2 is synthetic. Our body does not recognize synthetic substances; that is what side effects from drugs are – our body trying to reject something foreign. As winter comes, which seems to be flu season, we have less Vitamin D because we are not out in the sun as much and our Vitamin D levels begin to drop. In the northern upper half of the US, we cannot get Vitamin D from the sun even if it is sunny and we are on the ski slopes. The sun is too low in the sky for the Vitamin D to be absorbed in the skin (but you could still get a sunburn.) So those with ALS should work hard to have their levels of Vitamin D in their body closer to 90 than to 40. Forty is supposedly in the safe range, but it is better to be in the higher part of the safe range than the lower.
So have a safe winter. Get enough Vitamin D3 and Vitamin C and watch the bad carbs and bad oil intake.
Love from Kay
November 2014
Power of positive mental attitude
We have come to realize in working with PALS that your belief system and state of mind is so powerful in healing. When you are angry, fearful, depressed, crying, frustrated, etc., then no matter what supplements you use, they will not be effective because the body cannot process them. On the other hand, if you are happy, joyful, grateful, thankful, etc., then the body can use the supplements and heal. Have you counted your blessings this week? Here is a great story:
For fun, I was giving my husband a magazine quiz, one of those designed to point the way to a bright contented life.
"Do you get enough sleep?" I read. "Do you have a hobby"? Then I asked the next questions without thinking. "Are you happy"? I held my breath.....How could his answer be "Yes"? He was bound to a wheelchair by multiple sclerosis, dependent on me for so many things he once had done effortlessly by himself.
"Of course I am happy. You know I never dwell on what I can't do. I concentrate on what I can do."
"You are great about that," I said. "You inspire others."
He waved my compliment aside but gave me a pleased smile. "I've always loved to drive a car. I can still do it with my hand controls. With some help, I go to the office every day and get around nicely in my power chair. Like the other couples, you and I have dinner with friends, we take trips."
Then his eyes became serious. "Being handicapped is frustrating. But God gives us all a great abundance; there's so much to choose from, so many choices, I'd be a fool not to be thankful for them."
I put down the magazine. We didn't need the quiz. End of story.
Lord, in this wide, wonderful world You've given me, happiness depends on MY outlook. On this Thanksgiving Day, and every day, help me to keep looking out for it.
We pray that each of your days will be filled with happiness.
Kim and Kay
December 2014
Use of Magnesium Oil and Coconut on feet
As the year is nearly over, we hope that something we have shared this year has been of benefit to our PALS. We left Texas in April this year and returned to Idaho to weed, mow lawns, pick raspberries, plant a garden and spend time with family. It was interesting to note that on our return to Texas in November, some friends commented that Kim looks better than he did in April.
One new thing Kim started is rubbing magnesium oil and coconut oil on the bottom of his feet every morning before he puts on his socks and shoes. After about two months, he noticed that he could move his toes better. Before he could just barely move them, and now he can lift them. Every bit of improvement is noteworthy. Sometimes we get so busy living or striving to get better that we forget to note even small changes. Perhaps making a list of them would be a good idea. Anything that helps the mind going in a positive direction on the healing scale is a good thing.
We have had several PALS share ideas. So the following links are to study to determine if they have any value for you. We probably not have tried them. Our advice is to study them and then pray about them to see if they are of value for you. All PALS come to ALS from different toxic sources. All are biologically different. What works for one may not be the answer for another. But the power of the mind, detoxing the body and your environment, and feeding the body pure food and supplements are all a common theme. How you accomplish them may differ from person to person.
Before the links below, I want to share a story of a young man diagnosed in 1986 with ALS at age 17. He was told he had 6 months to live. He was in a wheelchair and spent most of his time in his room. He decided if he was going to meet his Maker soon, he should get better acquainted with him. He used visualization to place himself in the presence of the Savior when the Savior was healing people. He visualized little soldiers inside his body fixing what was broken. He also decided if he was going to ask his maker to heal him, he should at least start eating vegetables as he had never eaten vegetables in his life. So this young man is now about 45 and is married and has 3 children. He has no ALS symptoms. He went back to the same hospital in 2011 and had the tests redone. They still had his original ALS diagnostic papers. He is completely free of ALS.
One thing he has learned though is that he does not process Vitamin B12 well. He found a methyl B12 that he feels is very useful for him. It can be found at www.methyl-life.com.
So here are ideas from others:
Dr. Russell Blaylock, neurosurgeon
Excitotoxins, Neurotoxins & Human Neurological Disease Lecture - Dr. Russell Blaylock
Dr. Marshall
Video by Robert Morse N.D. on acidosis and how it affects ALS, etc. He recommends just eating fruit, berries and melons to heal ALS. That may be radical but ALS is radical. I have studied the importance of having a proper PH balance for the chemistry in your body. Being acidic leads to all kinds of disease. So getting your body to the alkaline side of the scale is important. He says 7.4 to 7.6. That is probably a good goal. The video gives you an excellent understanding of the body and how to clear it of toxins.
There seems to be no one doctor that has all the answers to heal ALS, so you need to use your intuition as you gather information and study to decide what is right for you.
We are passionate about helping you find ways to heal, but you have to be the master of your healing process.